Directed by Olivia Margarita Gastaldo | Cinematography by Vivian Lau
In 2020, amid the COVID 19 pandemic, I decided to revisit a concept buried deep in my phone notes. My goal was to create a film exploring the visual poetry of a love letter written by my partner Quinn. In a time that felt hopeless, I wanted to create a film that exuded joy and tenderness, affection and love. My goal in making To You My Love, is to give my audience a feeling of comfort and remind them of the beauty that exists in close relationships, no matter how far we all may feel from each other.
Directed and Produced by Olivia Margarita Gastaldo | Featuring Sade Keinu and Shan Hafez | Cinematography by Vivian Lau | 1st A/C Michelle Kwong | Edited by Natalie Hill | Color by Kenzo Le | Production Design by Day Hernandez | Art Assistant Miranda Meza | VFX by William Lancaster | Music by WEARETHEGOOD + Philip Daniel Zach